  • Hormann TNR
  • Careers
    Our Doors are Open!

    Are you looking to work at a growing equal opportunity manufacturing company close to home?
    Do you want to be part of a strong team that builds and ships innovative door systems worldwide?
    Now, has never been a better time to join our growing team!


    Our Doors are Open!

    Are you looking to work at a growing equal opportunity manufacturing company close to home? Do you want to be part of a strong team that builds and ships innovative door systems worldwide? Now, has never been a better time to join our growing team!

  • Great Place to Work
  • Testimonials


    See what our customers have to say about our industrial doors



      “I cannot say enough fantastic things about Hörmann TNR. The customer services, tech support, and so much more are hands down the best in the business! Thank you, Hörmann TNR!“

      Wade Harvey, Superior Door in Omaha



      “Brian Fulton (my Hörmann rep) is extremely attentive and goes the extra mile to ensure that all of my Hörmann doors operate correctly and that my customers are completely satisfied. I do not receive this kind of service from any other manufacturers’ reps in the business. This trumps pricing, although, TNR and Hörmann doors are priced very competitively. The quality of their product is superior to all the competitors. I am very satisfied.“

      Vince Glorioso Jr., Account Executive - Construction Services, MINER Corp.



      “Customer service/response time is great. Also, the product design and engineering is reliable and solid.“

      Patrick Wilson, VP, Marketing & Sales, Lenworth

    See More Testimonials
  • 1
    High Performance Doors for
    Challenging Environments

    Our impactable roll-up door solutions are perfect for fast paced and rugged
    work environments, thanks to our unique design and patented technology.


    High Performance Doors for Challenging Environments

    Our impactable roll-up door solutions are perfect for fast paced and rugged work environments, thanks to our unique design and patented technology.

  • Mining & Industrial
    Maximize Up-Time

    Easy door repair and reset after an impact means reduced
    down-time and increased productivity.


    Maximize Up-Time

    Easy door repair and reset after an impact means reduced down-time and increased productivity.

  • Environmental Control
    Reduce Your Energy Bill
    and Increase Your Savings

    Our high speed freezer doors will decrease energy costs and increase
    efficiency thanks to its insulated curtain and quick opening/closing speeds.


    Reduce Your Energy Bill and Increase Your Savings

    Our high speed freezer doors will decrease energy costs and increase efficiency thanks to its insulated curtain and quick opening/closing speeds.

  • Parking & Automotive
    The Doors You Need

    TNR has a variety of high performance roll-up doors to
    meet your industry’s specific needs.


    The Doors You Need

    TNR has a variety of high performance roll-up doors to meet your industry’s specific needs.

  • Logistics & Transportation
    Have Peace of Mind

    Your fast paced and rugged workplace demands tough doors
    that will put your maintenance concerns to rest.


    Have a Peace of Mind

    Your fast paced and rugged workplace demands tough doors that will put your maintenance concerns to rest.



Find a representative for your region.



Explore Our broad product line of High Performance Doors.



See how Our doors were used to fix different issues.

  • Years of Industrial and Commercial Door Experience
  • Focused on Customer Success
  • Core Values
  • Our Purpose

    We build solutions where openings exist, with innovation and continuous improvement.

    • Our Vision

      With Hörmann’s support, we have our sights set on becoming a world class high-performance door company. We will achieve this through strategic planning, hard work and most importantly, by investing in our People, our Customers and our Operations. We will build a learning culture and high-performing team. We will grow our dealer network in North America and expand our global sales. We will improve our efficiencies with advanced technologies, standardized processes and vertical integration.

    • Our Core Values

      We treat our customers and suppliers with respect and integrity and value the commitment that they have placed in us.

      We approach each other with honesty, care and mutual respect. We foster a fun team environment that allows everyone to contribute their knowledge and expertise. We fulfill our potential by listening, continually learning and challenging ourselves.

      Our team acts ethically at all times and conducts itself responsibly with all stakeholders and with the community at large.


  • Our Purpose

    We build solutions where openings exist, with innovation and continuous improvement.

    • Our Vision

      With Hörmann’s support, we have our sights set on becoming a world class high-performance door company. We will achieve this through strategic planning, hard work and most importantly, by investing in our People, our Customers and our Operations. We will build a learning culture and high-performing team. We will grow our dealer network in North America and expand our global sales. We will improve our efficiencies with advanced technologies, standardized processes and vertical integration.

    • Our Core Values

      We treat our customers and suppliers with respect and integrity and value the commitment that they have placed in us.

      We approach each other with honesty, care and mutual respect. We foster a fun team environment that allows everyone to contribute their knowledge and expertise. We fulfill our potential by listening, continually learning and challenging ourselves.

      Our team acts ethically at all times and conducts itself responsibly with all stakeholders and with the community at large.


  • Our Purpose

    We build solutions where openings exist, with innovation and continuous improvement.

    • Our Vision

      With Hörmann’s support, we have our sights set on becoming a world class high-performance door company. We will achieve this through strategic planning, hard work and most importantly, by investing in our People, our Customers and our Operations. We will build a learning culture and high-performing team. We will grow our dealer network in North America and expand our global sales. We will improve our efficiencies with advanced technologies, standardized processes and vertical integration.

    • Our Core Values

      We treat our customers and suppliers with respect and integrity and value the commitment that they have placed in us.

      We approach each other with honesty, care and mutual respect. We foster a fun team environment that allows everyone to contribute their knowledge and expertise. We fulfill our potential by listening, continually learning and challenging ourselves.

      Our team acts ethically at all times and conducts itself responsibly with all stakeholders and with the community at large.


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200 Fairview Road, Unit #2
Barrie, ON L4N 8X8


Dernière mise à jour le 31/05/2016


Since 2003, we have created over 13,000 unique door solutions for applications worldwide.

  • KINROSS Tasiast Mine
  • BAFFINLAND Iron Mine
  • LONE STAR Cold Storage
  • Oyu Tolgoi Mine
  • KINROSS Tasiast Mine

    Location: Mauritania, West Africa
    Industry: Mining
    Challenge: Keep the sand storms out and keep door maintenance to a minimum.

    TNR’s rubber roll up doors were chosen due to their tight door fit with minimal infiltration and the simple, yet effective operation in rugged conditions. The HDXL and HDC-DD have SBR rubber curtains with polyester core weave making the doors flexible but still resistant to abusive environments, even in the extreme temperatures of the Sahara Desert.

  • BAFFINLAND Iron Mine

    Location: Nunavut, Canada – Arctic Circle
    Industry: Mining – Iron Ore
    Challenge: Install before harsh winter set in.

    TNR Industrial Doors was chosen due to their simple door design, ability to take an impact without door damage and TNR’s strong reputation, which is well known throughout the mining industry. TNR was able to meet Baffinland’s tight lead times for manufacturing the doors. Also, TNR was able to coordinate ocean freight to ship the doors directly to the mine site in order to have the doors installed by the winter deadline.

  • LONE STAR Cold Storage

    Location: Richardson, Texas
    Industry: Cold Store/Food Distribution Center
    Challenge: Large temperature differentials, constant ice build-up, doors jamming, high traffic flow.

    TNR Industrial Doors can solve these difficult issues with their model HDT door. The door has a heavy duty low temperature 0.25” thick EPDM rubber curtain that is rated for continuous use at -40° to -50° F. The EPDM curtain remains flexible and straightens quickly to enter the guides during the closing cycle. Ice does not build up the same way it does on conventional products.


    Location: Manitowoc, Wisconsin & Abilene, Texas
    Industry: Wind Energy / tower section assembly
    Challenge: large equipment impacting horizontal sliding doors – safety, downtime, cold work area

    Broadwind already had a very positive recent history with TNR doors in a blast booth application. The doors had proven to have a tight seal, were low maintenance and had the ability to withstand accidental impact. The heavy duty doors would accommodate the large equipment used to move tower sections in and out of the building. Broadwind’s concern about windload was quickly put to rest with TNR’s 90 mph rating. TNR’s heavy duty door construction and springless design were key features for the operations team.

    Management’s initial apprehension for the cost of these large doors was allayed when safety risk and ROI was fully reviewed.

  • Oyu Tolgoi Mine

    Location: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia – Gobi Desert
    Industry: Mining – Copper, Gold, Silver
    Challenge: Very tall doors to be mounted to a thick concrete wall (no steel framing)

    Such an extremely tall door is only available as a rubber roll-up door, a fabric door or a blade door. A large fabric door is just not durable enough in this rugged mining environment. A blade door, although very durable, requires a larger footprint and more maintenance. A TNR rubber roll-up door is a simple yet extremely durable design that can be built tall enough to accommodate these service doorways. Since 2006, Oyu Tolgoi has installed over 25 TNR rubber doors on many of its mine’s operations buildings where the doors have proven their reliability and long service life in a rugged environment.


Rubber Door Solutions Around the World

Let's Work Together

Reduce Your Energy Bill & Increase Your Savings


Company Certificate
No. CAN1939
Company Certificate
No. CAN1939