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  • COVID-19 - Message to Our Dealers

COVID-19 - Message to Our Dealers

COVID-19 - Message to Our Dealers
As the COVID-19 outbreak continues to evolve, we want you to know that the whole team at TNR Doors are doing whatever we can to support our employees and customers through this difficult time. As part of our ongoing health and safety program, TNR is always using recommended personal hygiene practices in the workplace to minimize the spread of infections, especially during our regular flu season. With the recent onset of the COVID-19 outbreak we have redoubled our focus for all our employees to ensure proper handwashing and sanitization practices remain in place on a daily basis.
We are promoting social distancing by rescheduling meetings with vendors and customers to be replaced with phone calls or video conference. We have suspended all business travel for the coming weeks. Some members of our team have already begun working from home as needed and we are in the process of setting up our systems to allow others to work from home as well, if required. Our goal is to minimize exposure for employees while continuing to support you, our customers, as best we can in sales, technical support and production.
As the outbreak situation continues to evolve, we will continue to support you and our employees. We will also advise you of any changes in policy as they arise. Be safe and thank you for working with us.

For updated information from the Public Health Agency of Canada, see www.canada.ca/en/public-health.html
Thank you,
Company Certificate
No. CAN1939
Company Certificate
No. CAN1939